Mofu Blog

なぜ香箱座り?猫の姿勢から読み取る愛猫の気持ち  猫の座り方にも意味がある!座り方から読み取る猫の気持ち - MOFUCAT

Why Kobako sitting? The way a cat sits also has...

There are many different ways cats can sit. There are many people who have heard names such as Kobako sitting, Sphinx sitting, Egyptian sitting, etc., but do not really know...

Why Kobako sitting? The way a cat sits also has...

There are many different ways cats can sit. There are many people who have heard names such as Kobako sitting, Sphinx sitting, Egyptian sitting, etc., but do not really know...

猫とおもちゃの大切な関係。愛猫のストレス解消を考える - MOFUCAT

An important relationship between cats and toys...

Cats love to play with toys. Spending too much time not playing together can be stressful. However, since there are many toys such as cat toys and balls, which toy...

An important relationship between cats and toys...

Cats love to play with toys. Spending too much time not playing together can be stressful. However, since there are many toys such as cat toys and balls, which toy...

穏やかで人懐っこい!ラグドールの魅力と正しい飼い方 - MOFUCAT

Calm and friendly! Ragdoll charm and proper care

The Ragdoll is a friendly, gentle cat breed with a soft, fluffy coat. It is a popular cat breed because it is easy to keep, but how should I actually...

Calm and friendly! Ragdoll charm and proper care

The Ragdoll is a friendly, gentle cat breed with a soft, fluffy coat. It is a popular cat breed because it is easy to keep, but how should I actually...

猫の便に血が混じるのは病気のサイン?血便の原因と対処法 - MOFUCAT

Is blood in cat stool a sign of illness? Bloody...

Blood in your cat's poop... blood on the floor? Cats sometimes have blood in their stool. In this article, we will tell you about the causes of blood in the...

Is blood in cat stool a sign of illness? Bloody...

Blood in your cat's poop... blood on the floor? Cats sometimes have blood in their stool. In this article, we will tell you about the causes of blood in the...

これでもう嫌がらない!猫の正しいブラッシング方法 - MOFUCAT

I don't hate it anymore! How to properly brush ...

Cats need to be brushed regularly. However, I think there are many things that you can't do well because you hate it or hide it. In this article, we will...

I don't hate it anymore! How to properly brush ...

Cats need to be brushed regularly. However, I think there are many things that you can't do well because you hate it or hide it. In this article, we will...

猫はどうして爪とぎをするの? その理由と対策 - MOFUCAT

Why do cats scratch their claws? Reasons and co...

Speaking of cats, you may have an image of sharpening their claws. Cats are instinctual scratchers, and you need to provide them with their favorite scratcher. In this article, why...

Why do cats scratch their claws? Reasons and co...

Speaking of cats, you may have an image of sharpening their claws. Cats are instinctual scratchers, and you need to provide them with their favorite scratcher. In this article, why...