Have you ever heard the term "squid ear"? If you have a cat, you may have heard this word before. Cats often become this "squid ear". In this article, we will tell you about "cat ears", such as why cats become "squid ears" and cats' hearing. I want to observe the movement of the ears and understand more about the feelings and ecology of my beloved cat! If you are the owner, please read it.

What are cat squid ears?
"Ikamimi" is a word that refers to the state of a cat's ears, and it means that the ears are slightly pulled back. It is so called because it resembles a squid fin. This squid ear can be seen when you are irritated, threatening, or concentrating on something. When your cat is irritated or angry,- Open mouth wide to show upper and lower canine teeth
- Cry "Shhh" "Hah"
- open your eyes wide
- beard taut
- The hair on the whole body stands on end
- round the body
Cat ears can show emotions
Cats express emotions not only with their tails and posture, but also with their ears. For example, when we are happy, our ears stand up straight, and when we are relaxed or pampered, our ears point outward. When relaxed, the ears point forward, and when flattened, they are seen in a state of intense fear. When you are calm, you are looking straight ahead without any strength.

Cat's ears move a lot - know their exact position
A cat's ears move from side to side. One ear is often facing the other direction, and the ear rotates in the direction of the sound. By moving their ears, they instantly grasp the distance to the sound source, and recognize the position of their prey and the danger that threatens them. Cats can move their ears freely thanks to about 30 muscles at the base. It is said to have about five times as many muscles as the human ear, and these muscles allow the auricle to rotate more than 270°. In addition, cats have many auditory nerves (sensory nerves that transmit hearing to the brain from the inner ear). Cats have about 40,000, compared to about 30,000 in humans. Thanks to the ability to move their ears freely and the large number of auditory nerves, cats are able to hear and accurately locate sounds that humans cannot hear.Cat ears are also related to the sense of balance
Even if you jump down from a high place, it will land firmly and walk smoothly... Cats have an excellent sense of balance. The reason for this is related to an organ called "semicircular canal" in the back of the cat's ear. This semicircular canal is responsible for balance and senses the direction and speed of head rotation. You may often hear reports of cats who accidentally jumped from high floors of apartment buildings and survived unscathed. (Of course, you have to be careful not to do that.) Also, people and dogs often get motion sickness. On the other hand, it is rarely seen in cats. This is also said to be due to having well-developed semicircular canals.cats have excellent hearing
Cats can hear sounds that humans cannot hear. It has an astonishing audible range that can hear up to ultrasonic waves (20,000 Hz or higher). The cries of small animals and insects are often ultrasonic waves, and humans cannot hear them, but cats can hear them. Also, cats can hear about three times the range of humans (cats: about 64,000 hertz, humans: about 23,000 hertz). In particular, it is said that 3-week-old kittens can hear sounds of 100,000 Hz, which is nearly double that of adult cats, and mother cats can hear sounds of 80,000 Hz after giving birth. This is because kittens and mother cats communicate with each other, which increases the audible range. When the kittens are alone, they are at around 64,000 hertz to each other. At the tip of a cat's ear, there is hair like an earring of about 1 to 5 mm. This is not just a decoration, it is called "Fusume", and it is said that it helps to collect ultrasonic waves.What shape do cats have in their ears?
Cat ears have different shapes depending on the individual. Pricked ears are straight, triangular ears often seen in cats. 'Dropped ears' are found in cats such as the Scottish Fold, are poorly ventilated, and may be cartilage dysplasia. In American curls, you can see "curved ears" where the auricles are curved, giving it a cute appearance.how to care for cat ears
Cats' ears are often cleaner than dogs' ears, so they often don't need special care. However, some infections (bacteria, ear mites, etc.) may be present, and the lop-eared child may become dirty. In that case, wipe it off with lukewarm water or cotton soaked in ear cleaner to keep it clean. Do not use cotton swabs as they can damage your ears.

[Summary] Squid ears that cats do are a sign of fear ~ Let's learn more about ears
Cats have well-developed ear muscles that allow them to turn in different directions when it comes to sounds and emotions. "Squid ears", one of the emotional expressions of cats, can be seen when irritated or threatening. Let's take care of their ears on a daily basis and observe them carefully as they can be used as a communication tool and also for observing their health! Reference material- Tadaaki Imaizumi understands the cat brain! , Bunshun Shinsho, 2019, p58-p65