The state and movements of a cat's tail are packed with various roles and information. happy! The tail is very useful for expressing emotions such as frustration, and for flying around unstable places.
Also, there are various shapes such as long tails and hooked tails.
In this article, we explain the function of a cat's tail and the psychology that can be read from the tail.
If you read this article, it will be fun to decipher the movements of your cat's tail, so please read it.

What is the function of a cat's tail in the first place?
A cat's tail has many functions.
The first is to maintain balance.
No matter how narrow the place or how complicated the scaffolding, cats will walk smoothly.
It is said that this is because they use their tails to balance with the inner ear, which is the organ that controls the sense of balance.
It is because the tail plays such a big role that you can say, "Can you jump on a place like that!?"
The second role of a cat's tail is "marking".
By rubbing the scent glands on the tail, we are claiming the territory, ``This is my position!''
They also have scent glands on their foreheads and paws, but they often use their freely moving tails for marking.
And the cat's tail also has a function as an "emotional expression". If you have a cat, you know that there is a lot of information that can be obtained from the tail.
Below, we will divide the emotions that can be read from the movement of the tail into five categories and explain them.
Before that, I would like to introduce some types of cat tails.
there are various things! types of cat tails
There are various types of tails for cats, such as long ones, short ones, and hooked tails (tails that are bent in the middle or short and curled up).
Japanese cats tend to have short tails or hooked tails.
The reason for this goes back to the Edo period.
In the Edo period, cats with long tails were believed to turn into yōkai called “nekomata” when they grew old, so short or hooked tails were preferred.
In addition, Kagitail has long been cherished as a cat that brings good luck.
Therefore, it is believed that such cats were bred to the present day.

Five emotions that can be read from the movement of the tail
The tail represents various emotions of the cat. By understanding, you can know more about your cat!
① When standing perpendicular to the pin
When a cat's tail is straight, it is often seen when it snuggles up to you.
It is seen when you are happy, when you are spoiled, when you want food, etc., and is considered to be an expression of affection.
This gesture was originally used by kittens when approaching their mother.
When kittens are born, they are encouraged to excrete by having their mother lick their buttocks.
That's when they learned to stick their tails up, and that's the remnant.
Also, when I went out hunting with my mother cat, I used to make my presence known by the pinned tail.
② When it is swollen
Like a raccoon dog's tail, when it's hair is bristled, it's a sign that it's intimidating.
They are often 2-3 times larger than normal size. The reason for this is that excitement activates the sympathetic nervous system and releases adrenaline.
The adrenaline causes the pili muscles to contract, causing the tail hairs to stand on end.
This is the same mechanism that gives people goosebumps.
If you look closely, you can see that the hair all over the body stands on end.
You can see that you are on the offensive, trying to make yourself look bigger.
③ When you are hitting the bottom with a crackle
Often seen when sleeping, banging its tail on the floor is a sign of irritability.
You must be letting out your frustration and frustration.
If you put your hand out in this state, you will definitely be attacked.
Watch it from a distance and let it go.
④ When the tail enters under the stomach
This is a common gesture even for dogs.
When something scares you or when you admit defeat, you curl up and hide your tail between your legs.
It's a sign that you want to make yourself look've already lost...
It is also said that they cover their anus to keep their own odors out.
This gesture is often seen during examinations at veterinary hospitals and hospitalizations.
⑤ Move the tail several times while sleeping
If you call his name "○○-chan" while he's sleeping, he will flap his tail a few times.
This is a troublesome way to wake up, but I can hear you clearly.
In such a case, let him sleep slowly.

The tail can also read changes in physical condition!
A cat's tail can not only read the mood, but also changes in physical condition.
For example, when he's sick, his tail hangs down.
In addition, when the tail does not move at all, nerve abnormalities (cauda equina syndrome, etc.) can be considered.
Cauda equina syndrome is a chronically progressive disease in which the bundle of fine nerves called the cauda equina nerve is damaged.
In cauda equina syndrome, at the same time as the tail does not move, symptoms such as excretion disorders and inability to climb high places may be seen.
A cat's tail is also used to measure blood pressure.
In that sense, you can read the body's malfunction from the tail.
[Summary] The function of a cat's tail and the psychology of cats that can be read from the tail
For cats, the tail has a variety of functions, such as balancing and expressing emotions such as happiness and frustration.
Observe your cat's tail, which is very useful as a communication tool.
Reference material
- Gen Tsujimoto, Shuichi Koyama, Kiyoshi Okusa, Atsushi Nakamura, Cat Treatment Guide 2020, EDUWARD Press