Basic knowledge about cats
Whether you're starting to own a cat or already have one, I think there are some people who are worried about the basic knowledge of cats, such as "Is my cat's way of keeping it right?"
In this article, we will give you the basics of getting a cat.
It's time to learn more about cats!

How long do cats live?
According to the "2021 National Dog and Cat Breeding Results Survey" announced by the Pet Food Association, the average life expectancy of cats is 15.66 years.
In human terms, I've come to live to about 80 years old.
In addition, the average life expectancy for cats that do not leave the house is 16.22 years, which is much longer than the average life expectancy of 13.75 years for cats that do not leave the house.
This includes improving the quality of pet food, developing veterinary medicine, and raising the awareness of pet owners.
If you replace the age of the cat with the person?
If you convert the age of a cat into human years, it will be about 18 years old in the first year of life, and about 24 years old in two years.
After that, one cat year is equivalent to four human years.
Calculate the age of your cat and give him care that is appropriate for his age.
five senses of a cat
A cat's five senses are different from humans in many ways.vision
A cat's visual acuity is only 0.04 to 0.3 compared to humans.
Still objects cannot be seen very well, and humans are highly myopic.
However, the ability to recognize moving objects is very high, and it is said that dynamic visual acuity is about 10 times that of humans.
It also has a field of view of about 280 degrees, and it is also possible to find prey behind it.
Cats can also make their eyes sparkle in the dark and behave just like they do in bright light.
This is because the rod cells in the retina that recognize the brightness of light are well developed, and the ability to see objects in dim light is excellent.
Cats are animals with excellent hearing, which is why they are called "hell ears".
I often hear the cries of small animals and insects that humans cannot hear.
The maximum frequency that humans and cats can hear is 23,000 Hz for humans, and 64,000 Hz for cats.
Cats can hear three times the range of humans, so they are sensitive to sounds that humans cannot hear.
Cats have tactile sensors concentrated in their whiskers and paws.
Is it dangerous to use the beard to know the width without entering a narrow space, or to lightly touch the beard? will also be checked.
In addition, the paws act as cushions and absorb the impact when jumping from high places.
The paws can sweat, so they also play a non-slip role.
sense of smell
Cats are said to be 200,000 to 300,000 times more sensitive to smells than humans.
A cat's nose speculum is damp with sweat and sebum, so it easily absorbs odor molecules in the air. It's from
A good sense of smell also helps cats communicate with each other.
Cats have less than one-tenth the number of taste buds (taste buds on their tongues) that humans do.
For this reason, it is sometimes called "aji onchi", but it is sensitive to acidity and bitterness.
The reason is that sour and bitter tastes are associated with spoiled meat, so it is important to sense danger.

What diseases are cats prone to?
They are prone to urinary diseases such as kidney disease and lower urinary tract disease.
Cats were originally desert animals, so they tend to drink less water.
As a result, the urine is made darker, which puts a strain on the urinary system, including the kidneys.
Early detection through regular health check-ups and ingenuity to drink water on a daily basis are important.
Preparing to keep a cat
There are a few things you need when you own a cat.Meals, utensils and water bowls
Give meals that are age-appropriate.
For kittens, there are meals such as "for kittens" and "for kittens", and for senior cats, there are meals such as "for seniors" and "for middle-aged and elderly cats".
In addition, children under treatment for illness may require therapeutic diets, so be sure to check with your veterinarian.
Let's soak it while it's a kitten, and give it mainly wet food.
After teething, if you mix dry food and wet food, which is called mixed feeding, it will grow up to be a picky child.
Let's divide the number of meals into 2-3 times a day while watching the cat's condition.
Ceramic dishes and water bowls are recommended because they are stable and can be kept clean.
What should I use for dishes and water bowls?
Two roles in one recommended for such people! Here are some that are easy to care for★
If you have multiple dogs, you can enjoy meals without fights or uneven eating by preparing separate meals.
Cats are clean creatures, so make sure you check them every day.
In addition, it is more than 1.5 times the size of its body, and can dig cat litter as deep as 3 cm or more, preferring fine minerals.
By preparing more than the number of heads + 1, there is a possibility that the rough phase and urinary troubles will decrease.
pet bed
Cats sleep most of the day, so give them a safe and relaxing space.
They also love high, dark and cramped spaces, so a cat tower with hammocks, hideouts and beds is recommended.
In the case of kittens and at home, there are scenes where cages are used.
By getting used to the cage, going to the veterinary hospital becomes easier, and you can spend time without anxiety even in the event of a disaster.
Let's get used to it from kittens.
Collars are important in case of an escape.
Be sure to include your name and phone number as well.
We also recommend that you have a microchip inserted.
nail sharpener
Cats are animals that instinctively sharpen their claws.
There are various shapes such as stand type and pole type, and materials such as cardboard and cloth, so prepare several according to your cat's taste.
grooming tools
Brushing is important not only for regulating the flow of the coat, but also as a communication tool.
Doing this in moderation every day will also help keep your skin healthy.

Preventive measures for cats
The preventive measures that cats should take are combined vaccination and flea and tick prevention.
Combined vaccination is a vaccine to prevent infectious diseases such as colds and diarrhea in your beloved cat.
2-3 times for the first time, then once a year.
Even if the pet is kept indoors, pathogens may enter the owner's clothes and shoes, so it is desirable to do so.
Also, when using pet hotels and trimming salons, there are many places where vaccination is mandatory.
Flea and tick prevention should also be done to prevent skin problems and infectious diseases.
There is a medicine that is given to her once a month or dropped on her back.
Spaying or neutering should be done if pregnancy is not desired.
This is because it can prevent unwanted pregnancies and prevent diseases of the reproductive organs.
If you are considering it, it is often done in the second half of life, so please consult your doctor.
How should I train my cat?
Unlike dogs, cats are difficult animals to train.
This is because cats do not live in groups, but rather solitary animals.
Therefore, a person has to match the cat.
Make sure to cover areas you don't want to sharpen, and have a variety of sharpening tools available.
Also, if you have a habit of biting, you may be feeling some sort of stress (except for sweet bites), so let's reconsider your living environment.
However, since they instinctively go to the toilet in a place with cat litter, toilet training is often not necessary.
If you have a rough face, you may be dissatisfied with the toilet environment or have urological problems.
Basically, cats are animals that don't need shampoo.
This is because they groom themselves neatly.
However, it is sometimes used for long-haired cats, cats with hairballs, and cats with skin diseases.
You may panic, so don't force yourself to do it.

[Summary] Basic knowledge about keeping a cat
There are many things you need to know when owning a cat.
Let's check the basic knowledge when keeping a cat once!
Reference material
- Tadaaki Imaizumi understands the cat brain! , Bunshun Shinsho 2019, p48-p57