What Causes Cat Snoring? – MOFUCAT Skip to content
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What Causes Cat Snoring?

If your cat is snoring, how cute! On the other hand, it makes me a little worried. In this article
  • Causes of cat snoring
  • Safe Snoring and Dangerous Snoring
  • Snoring measures and prevention
is explained. Snoring in cats can also be a sign of illness. If your cat has recently started snoring, please read this article.

What Causes Cat Snoring?

Snoring is a noise during sleep caused by poor airflow in the airways from the nose to the throat. In humans, snoring is caused by loosening of the muscles supporting the throat and narrowing of the pharynx.

Safe snoring, dangerous snoring

Even if you just say "snoring", there are things that are normal and okay, and things that you should consult an animal hospital as soon as possible.


The characteristics of snoring
  • Regular
  • treble
There is something like this. It is a small high-pitched sound such as "beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep! In that case, it is thought that he is sleeping soundly, so let's keep an eye on him. Also, flat-nosed cat breeds are prone to snoring, such as Persian cats and exotic shorthairs. These children may snore normally.

Snoring that should go to the animal hospital early

As dangerous snoring,
  • bass
  • Choppy and irregular
  • loud gurgling sound
There are features such as. The noise can be heard not only when you are sleeping, but also when you are awake. Let’s take a closer look at the causes of dangerous snoring below.

What causes dangerous snoring? ?

As dangerous snoring,
  1. Obese
  2. You have an infection (bacterial infection, viral infection, etc.)
  3. have rhinitis (such as allergic rhinitis)
  4. If you have a collapsed trachea or a long soft palate
  5. have a tumor
There are a number of reasons why.

① Obesity

I think that even humans have an image of snoring when they are fat, but cats are the same. Snoring occurs because excess fatty tissue around the airways narrows the airways.

② You have an infectious disease (bacterial infection, viral infection, etc.)

Cats often have stuffy noses due to some kind of infection. When a kitten is infected with a virus such as herpes virus or calicivirus, when the immune system is weakened, the symptoms of the nose often recur. In addition to snoring, I have also said that I often sneeze and cry. I always feel like I'm having a hard time breathing, and I often have runny nose stuck to the entrance of my nose.

③ Rhinitis (allergic rhinitis, etc.)

The body may have an allergic reaction to house dust, pollen, food, etc., and the airways may swell. As a result, the airway narrows and you snore.

(4) Tracheal collapse or overlong soft palate

Common brachycephalic disorders, such as collapsed trachea, long soft palate, and constricted nostrils, can also cause snoring. This condition, also known as brachycephalic airway syndrome, is more common in flat-nosed cats.

⑤There is a tumor

In middle-aged and older cats, tumors can also be a cause. The face may be deformed by the tumor, and symptoms such as tears and periodontal disease may also appear together.

Treatment and measures for cat snoring

If you think that your cat's snoring has increased recently, or that the noise has become louder, the first thing you should do is see a veterinarian. We will make a diagnosis based on complaints from the owner, symptoms, nose swab examination (inserting a cotton swab into the back of the nose), X-ray examination, etc. In the case of overweight children, snoring often improves just by losing weight. If your child is overweight, try to lose weight little by little. If you have a cold or have some kind of allergy, you will have to deal with it with medicine, a nebulizer, and removal of allergens. If there is no improvement, anesthesia is performed and a CT scan or bronchoscopy is performed to check whether there is a tumor or foreign body. 'Are there any structural abnormalities?' ] will be confirmed. Surgery or radiation therapy may be used if removal and reduction are possible.

Cat snoring prevention

It is very important to keep your cat from getting fat to prevent snoring. In addition to managing their diet, play with toys together, set up a cat tower or catwalk, and get them to exercise actively.

If you have allergies, it is important to keep your room clean, along with diet management and medication. It is a good idea to keep the room clean by cleaning and ventilation as much as possible, and to use an air purifier.

[Summary] What is the cause of cat snoring?

There are two types of snoring in cats: snoring that is normal and can be observed, and snoring that should be dealt with as soon as possible. Snoring is caused by a narrow air passage from the nose to the throat. Possible causes include obesity, inflammation, congenital factors, and tumors. In the case of overweight children, the symptoms often subside just by losing weight. CT scans and bronchoscopy may be performed if there is no improvement with treatment with drugs or a nebulizer. Observe your cat's condition on a daily basis, and if there are any changes, check with your doctor!
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