The rainy season is over, and it's been a hot season. It is said that this summer will also be extremely hot, so it is important to protect your cat from the heat.
In this article, for cats,
- Comfortable room temperature in summer
- How to manage room temperature using air conditioning
- signs of heat stroke
- Measures against heat during power outages
And so on.
If you take the wrong measures against the heat, you can easily get a heat stroke.
If you want to spend the summer comfortably with your beloved cat, please read it.
The comfortable room temperature for cats in the summer is about 25-28°C.
Cats' ancestors lived in the desert, so cats are heat tolerant! You might think that, but that's not the case at all.
This is because the number of cats living indoors with people has increased, and in addition to changes in coat conditions and adaptation to the environment, Japanese summers have become too hot.
Therefore, it is very important to manage the room temperature in order to spend a comfortable time with your cat.
It is said that the comfortable room temperature for cats is about 25 to 28 degrees Celsius, and it is the easiest and most important to use an air conditioner to manage it.
When measuring the room temperature, be sure to measure near the floor according to where the cat is.
Since each cat's sensible temperature varies, it's a good idea to create an escape area with a pet bed or blanket, or give them access to the bathroom (do not fill it with water!) or the corridor. .

A fan alone doesn't make much sense
"Because the electricity bill is a waste..."
"I'm cool enough with a fan!"
I think there are some owners who say that, but for cats, we do not recommend using a fan alone as a countermeasure against the heat.
The reason why people feel cool with electric fans is because they are animals that can sweat.
People can lower their body temperature by sweating, using the heat of vaporization (a system in which heat is taken away when it evaporates).
On the other hand, cats are animals that cannot sweat, so they do not feel cool with the wind from the fan.
Also, cats wear thick fur, so it feels like a warm breeze is blowing over their clothes.
And cats are animals that don't like the wind in the first place...
For those who are concerned about the cost of cooling, automatic operation is recommended.
It's generally more costly to turn it on and off, so leaving it on all day is one option.

What are the signs of heat stroke in cats?
Signs of heat stroke in cats include:- I'm not feeling well
- I have no appetite
- limp
- breathing with mouth open
- I'm dizzy
- vomiting or having diarrhea
- drool more
There is something like this.
If your home is unusually hot and you have any of the above symptoms, you should suspect heatstroke.
If you have a pet thermometer at home, a high body temperature of 40.5°C or higher increases the risk of heatstroke.
(The normal temperature of a cat is about 38.0 to 39.0°C. Since it varies slightly depending on the cat, it is a good idea to measure your cat's normal temperature on a regular basis.)
If heatstroke is suspected, it is necessary to immediately move it to a cool place and cool it with water or Iceon.
However, these symptoms can be seen even if it is not heat stroke, so it is best to check with your doctor if you feel something is wrong with your cat.
Cat breeds that need special attention
All cats need to be taken care of, but it is especially important to take measures for kittens and senior cats.
This is because they cannot change their position well, and their body temperature control is poor.
You should also be careful if you have respiratory, heart, or kidney disease.
Also, long-haired breeds and fat dogs tend to retain heat in their bodies, so be careful.
For children with fluffy and undercoat, it is also a good idea to brush them with a rubber brush to remove the undercoat.
Take measures in consideration of power outages!
It's surprisingly common for a room to turn into a steam bath after a power outage in the summer.
I have heard of tragic accidents where the air conditioning stopped due to a power outage, and the owner was out of the house and didn't notice, and when he came back, he was dead.
In consideration of power outages, it would be a good idea to prepare a cooling mat (made of aluminum or marble) that does not require electricity, and a frozen PET bottle.
If you keep a pet camera (which switches to batteries in the event of a power outage), you can rest assured that you can see your cat from a distance.
Water management is also important
It is also important to keep water in various places.
Drinking water not only prevents dehydration, but also prevents urinary problems such as stones and cystitis.
Let's place 2-3 places in the place where you always go and the flow line.
Cats like fresh, slightly lukewarm water, so change it regularly.
It would be convenient if there was an automatic water bowl.

Other ways to keep a comfortable room temperature [+ α to be kind to your cat! ]
Other ways to deal with the heat are:- Use blackout curtains
- Create a favorite space in the coolest part of the room
- Refrain from staying at home for long periods of time
In the case of dogs, you can open the window a little and go out, but in the case of cats, it is dangerous because they will jump out at the slightest thing.
However, many cats like to look outside, so it would be nice to put a blind or sunshade on the outside of the window.
There are some owners who cut their cats in the summer as a countermeasure against the heat, but basically it will be stressful for the cat.
Also, some children may not be able to regulate their body temperature well, so it is not recommended.
Rather, it is more important to brush them regularly and remove excess hair.
[Summary] Comfortable room temperature for cats in summer
As a measure against room temperature in the summer, use air conditioning to cool the entire room.
Instead of setting the temperature on the air conditioner, make sure that the room temperature measured where the cat is is about 25 to 28 degrees Celsius.
In case of a power outage, it would be a good idea to prepare a cooling mat and a frozen PET bottle.
Cats are animals that cannot convey heat, so it is important for owners to proactively create a comfortable room.
- Gen Tsujimoto, Cat treatment guide 2020, interzoo, 2020, p75-78